Freefilesync error code 5 opendir
Freefilesync error code 5 opendir

freefilesync error code 5 opendir freefilesync error code 5 opendir

What if: Performing the operation "Update Sync" on target "C:\Users\username\Desktop ->. PS C:\> Free-File-Sync -Source "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop" -Destination "$env:OneDrive\Desktop",".\thisfolder" -WhatIf # Explicitely specify source and destination paths. What if: Performing the operation "Update Sync" on target "C:\Users\username\Desktop -> C:\Users\username\OneDrive\Desktop". PS C:\> Free-File-Sync -Source "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop" -Destination "$env:OneDrive\Desktop" -WhatIf # Execute pre-made FFS batch job files programmatically.

freefilesync error code 5 opendir

Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/views): failed to open dir: Permission denied in C:\.\includes\ on line 934.Free-File-Sync -JobsPath 'C:\Users\username\OneDrive\Desktop\Sync Configs\' -Filter desktop_sync.ffs_batch (code: 5) in C:\.\includes\ on line 934. Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/views,sites/all/modules/views): Access is denied. Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/date): failed to open dir: Permission denied in C:\.\includes\ on line 934. Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/date,sites/all/modules/date): Access is denied. Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/cck): failed to open dir: Permission denied in C:\.\includes\ on line 934. Warning: opendir(sites/all/modules/cck,sites/all/modules/cck): Access is denied. Note: I have replaced the beginning of my actual path in this post with C:\.\ for security purposes. I tried giving all the users full control at the site level and at the root level and nothing worked. I'm running Windows Server 2003 with IIS6 and Drupal version 6.2.

freefilesync error code 5 opendir

Receive the follwoing errors when access the Modules and Themes nodes of the Site building node of the Administrator node.

Freefilesync error code 5 opendir